Pallet flow rack


                                                                                                Pallet Flow Rack

                          Gravity Flow Racking’ is a storage system that relies on gravity flow to load, organize, and retrieve stored cartons  or pallets within 

                       a warehouse. Maximizing space and efficiency, gravity flow racks will save your business money, improve your productivity, and increase 

                       safety for your employees.

                              Gravity flow racks act as non-powered, downward-sloped storage conveyors, which allow for all subsequent pallets or cartons to 

                       move to the forefront, once the preceding item has been removed, otherwise known as first in first out (FIFO) racking. Items are loaded 

                       into the high end of the rack, one by one. Within a confined lane, the product then travels forward over a deck of wheels or rollers, down 

                       the shelf, filling the structure from front to back end. In utilizing gravitational forces, pallets and cartons naturally find their path, filing in

                       an orderly fashion, while consistently refilling the forward-most position for easy retrieval.



                            Gravity flow pallet racks are perfect for companies looking to integrate a highly efficient pallet storage system into their warehouses. 

                        These systems use wheels or rollers, combined with gravity to accumulate stored pallets. With a slight slope downward, from the load end 

                        down to the unload end, this system reduces the need for forklift travel. Gravity flow pallet racking systems can be configured from 2 to 30 

                        pallets deep to allow for optimizing the structure to the space available and the inventory on hand. 

                             Gravity flow racking systems provide the fast paced and readily available turnover of perishable and date sensitive food and beverage

                        products. They are also especially effective in the meat packing industry, as large quantities of product must be stored and retrieved with 

                        speed, maintaining a frozen state.  




                          SSIC are your high-density storage solution experts. Whether you require gravity flow pallet racks or carton flow racks, or aren’t sure 

                        what you need . SSIC Storage Systems will be able to analyze and identify the specific requirements of your project, helping to design and

                        provide the perfect system for you. 



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